Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thing 1, or is it Thing the First?

It's amazing how fast writer's block sets in when you are faced with a blank screen. And I thought I would have so much to say!

Yes! I have created a blog as the very first Thing for the NEFLIN 23 Things project. I hope that stating this fact qualifies as completing the Thing.

Blogger setup is amazingly easy. Writing the blog is another question all together. Somewhere, there is a great quote that writing is not difficult, all you have to do is open a vein. Even in this context that seems to still be true. I think I'll bandage up the vein, it's not pumping much at the moment, and post.


  1. Hi Marlene,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog!!! You had me laughing!

  2. We are going to have 2 catch up weeks soon. I hope you will be able to keep posting.
